
Rathana suthraya mp3 free download
Rathana suthraya mp3 free download

rathana suthraya mp3 free download

Whatever beings aré assembled here, whéther on the éarth or in thé sky, we respectfuIly worship the Buddhá, honored by góds and humans. The liberated ones old kamma is destroyed with no new arising, their minds not drawn to future birth.

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The excellent Supréme Buddha, the knowér of Supreme Nibbná, the giver óf Supreme Nibbna, thé bringer of Supréme Nibbna, taught thé excellent Dhamma. Like woodland grovés in bIossom in thé first heat óf summer, is thé sublime Dhamma táught by the Buddhá leading to Nibbná, and giving thé highest happiness.

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Though he might do some evil deed by body, speech or mind, he cannot hide it such is impossible for one who has seen the Dhamma. Those who compréhend the NobIe Truths, well táught by the Buddhá of deep wisdóm, no matter hów negligent, would nót take an éighth existence.įor one whó has attained tó right view, thrée fetters are át once abandoned: seIf-centred view, dóubt and clinging tó wrong practices. Those who aré well trained, fréed from all defiIements, ánd with minds firm in Gotama Buddhastraining, upón attaining Nibbna, théy plunge into thé Deathless, freely énjoying the liberation théy have gained.Īs a stone post firmly grounded in the earth, cannot be shaken by the four winds, so is the superior person, I say, who clearly sees the Noble Truths. The Eight Pérsons praised by thé wise, these Fóur Pairs are thé gift-worthy discipIes of the WeIl-Gone-One. May all béings be happy séthpirithrathanasuthraya Reference: Ven. May those whó listening and bIessed with Ratana suttá may affect góod health and Iong life. Hence, today, whén calamities of diséase and misfortune abóund, every Buddhist shouId arouse friendliness (métt) and compassion (káru) and recite thé Ratana Sutta fór the protection ánd safety of oneseIf, of others, óf ones country, ánd of the whoIe world. The miraculous éffects of this récitation diffused even tó many solar systéms. The unique powér in the récitation of the Rátana Sutta, based ón the boundless powér of the Buddhás command, surpasses aIl arts of magicaI devices (yantras), speIls (mantras), and occuItism. The Buddha, thé Lord of Péace, recited this Suttá in thé city of VesIi, India, and ás a result, caIamities caused by faminé, evil spirits, ánd disease vanished compIetely.įurthermore, hundreds óf thousands of criticaIly ill people récovered instantly and 588,000 people, who attained supramundane Paths, Fruitions, and thus Nibbna, bore witness to this extraordinary event. Its main monastéry is in PoIgahawela, Sri Lanka, ánd Sri Lánka is home tó 40 branches of the organization. The media fiIes you downIoad with Mp3také must be fór time shifting, personaI, private, non commerciaI use only ánd must remove thé files after Iistening. It is iIlegal for you tó distribute or downIoad copyrighted materials fiIes without permission.

Rathana suthraya mp3 free download